Spokes 2020 Recap
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From June 17 – 18, WireWheel brought together experts across different industries for Spokes 2020, a virtual privacy and technology conference that examined pressing privacy and data protection issues that organizations are currently facing. Here’s a quick overview of what happened:
Opening Remarks & Keynote
Helen Dixon gave a glimpse of the ongoing work at the Irish DPC, their engagement with the BigTech, and received dozens of questions surrounding her speech.
The Privacy Leaders’ Perspective – Hot Topics of the Day
Our Privacy Leaders panel with Microsoft’s Julie Brill, Google’s Keith Enright, the EU’s Bruno Gencarelli, moderated by WireWheel’s Justin Antonipillai explored some of their top-of-mind-issues – which included privacy by design, building consumer trust, as well as the safeguarding of data, especially with contact-tracing technologies in the age of COVID.
COVID-19, Re-Opening, and Privacy “I Heard Bob Has COVID!”
Jocelyn Aqua, Maureen Dry-Wasson, and Larry Samuelson dove deep with Jules Polonetsky discussing the challenges of reopening under COVID. This candid conversation covered everything from their views on safe and risky back to work processes, keeping their employees safe and the process of safeguarding data.
Privacy in Marketing: What Will Our World Look Like in 3 Years
In the “Privacy in Marketing” Session there was a lot of fascinating content covered by Allen Gannett, Andy Dale, Noga Rosenthal, Rishabh Jain, moderated by Dona Fraser where they examined the value of first-party data, consent management, and GDPR, addressability in a post-cookie world, accountability of marketing teams, and much more.
European Data Protection – COVID and Privacy, Shrems II, and GDPR Update in an Hour or Less
In the European Data Protection panel featuring Helen Dixon, Bruno Gencarelli, the Information Commissioner’s Office’s Simon McDougall, and the Future of Privacy Forum’s Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna talked about what’s currently top of mind for European leaders – COVID and Privacy, Shrems II, and GDPR.
The Innovation Revolution, the Explosion of Data, and What it Means for National Security and Privacy
The National Security and Privacy panel, featuring former CIA & DOD Chief of Staff, Jeremy Bash, former NSA General Counsel Glenn Gerstell, former ODNI General Counsel Robert Litt, moderated by The New York Times’ Charlie Savage, provided valuable perspectives on the risks of new technologies and their expansions of threat vectors, how our intelligence agencies should be harnessing publicly available data, private-public collaboration, amongst other national security topics.
Privacy Leaders Panel
The second Privacy Leaders panel; this time composed of Looker’s Barbara Lawler, Macy’s Michael McCullough, Uber’s Ruby Zefo, and WireWheel’s Justin Antonipillai, discussed broad issues like how we promote civil rights and diversity in our companies and communities – there were very thoughtful personal discussions of the way in which race and diversity has affected our panelists… this was one discussion not to be missed.
Technology and Privacy Protection: What Does “Automation” Mean?
The “Technology and Privacy Protection: What Does “Automation” Mean?” panel featuring Dan Frank, T-Mobile’s Zac Murphy, BigID’s Dimitri Sirota and Justin Antonipillai had valuable insights on what any privacy program needs – from enterprise to small business.
We Invest In Privacy Technology – Here’s How We See The Privacy Space
Our privacy investors panel, comprised of AGC Partners’ Eric Davis, Bessemer Venture Partners’ Alex Ferrara, Sands Capital Management’s Scott Frederick, NEA’s Aaron Jacobson, and Drive Capital’s Andy Jenks discussed the state of the Privacy market and shared their thoughts on consumer behavior, potential consolidation in the privacy sector, all-in-one vs best of breed approach, parallel with the cybersecurity industry and much more.
Closing Keynote: Protecting Civil Rights and Human Rights in a Time of Crises
The closing keynote by Rep. Jamie Raskin, Protecting Civil Rights and Human Rights in a Time of Crises, highlighted how these “crises within crises” have exposed the inefficiencies in our nation’s social contract and the importance of reforming sooner than later.
Our exclusive networking activities throughout the day brought together conference attendees for a morning yoga session, followed by lessons on creating easy, refreshing coffee and cocktails – we also got to know one another in separate breakout sessions!