4 Ways Integrations Help With DSAR Fulfillment
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To maintain legal compliance with existing and newly emerging data privacy laws, many large companies are faced with a challenge as they process and manage more data subject access requests (DSARs). For many companies, depending on how many requests you get, it is a team effort requiring someone from the privacy team to manage the process to ensure that regulatory deadlines are met.
Integrations can help across the DSAR lifecycle from intake to monitoring and fulfillment to delivery – enabling privacy teams and the IT teams responsible for collecting the data to fulfill the requests to focus on other things that add more value to the company.
1. Consumer Request Intake
The first step in the DSAR process is to collect information about the person and their request. Ensuring that you have authenticated the person sufficiently so that you know who is making the request is one of the first key steps.
You can integrate with your single sign-on system as a way to authenticate. You can also integrate with systems that hold customer requests so that you can match email addresses, member identification numbers, and other identifiable information with the requestor.
Without automating this piece of the workstream, someone is required to manually look up the information in a database and authenticate the person. Customers have told us that this can take up to 5 minutes per person which can really add up as requests increase.
For non-account holders, you can also have automated verification methods such as government ID or knowledge-based questions. Verifying the requestor’s identity saves you a lot of time versus confirming the consumer’s identity manually and it dramatically improving the customer experience.
2. Monitoring and Reporting
While most DSAR fulfillment platforms come with basic metrics and reporting capabilities, integration with your company’s BI tools enables you to:
- Show your data in a way that your executives are used to seeing it,
- Report multiple metrics collected on multiple platforms,
- Track your open, declined, and completed requests,
- Track your performance and efficiency per request type
3. Data Collection and DSAR Fulfillment
To effectively fulfill a DSAR request, it is critical to know how to route the request. What’s required from a legal perspective is different from California vs. the EU. Automation allows the requests to be routed to the right team based on the legal regime.
Fulfilling the request can also be very time-consuming and requires companies to aggregate information spread throughout the company, in different databases and different formats.
Automate Your Internal Ticketing
Every company has its own processes. If your organization relies on systems such as JIRA and Zendesk and you manually create tickets to kick off requests, integrations can save your team a lot of time. An incoming verified request from your consumer into WireWheel could automatically create a new request in your 3rd-party or internal tools with all your required consumer information. From there, closing, updating, re-opening your requests in your tools could automatically send the right signal back to WireWheel so that the privacy team is aware of the status. No more back and forth emails to get updated on what’s happening.
Access Your Structured Data
WireWheel’s low code connectors enable companies to use a point-and-click interface to integrate with systems and retrieve data automatically. This means that you and your team would be able to easily integrate over 550 platforms such as Hubspot, Salesforce, or Workday to WireWheel and automate the data collection process once a request comes in. Integration allows you to retrieve all the required consumer data from your systems in seconds rather than hours.
Access Your Unstructured Data and Proprietary Systems
It’s also likely that your organization hosts PII outside of structured systems. Think about the information you might currently store in spreadsheets, digital and paper documents, emails, or other file servers. Some of our low-code connectors can be helpful here as well.
If your organization relies on tools like Office 365, OneDrive or Sharepoint to store consumer data, it is likely that these data sources are in scope for consumer data requests under CCPA and GDPR regulations. Automating the data retrieval from these systems could yield significant time-saving benefits.
In addition, WireWheel also offers pre-built connectors to advanced data collection technologies. For example, DocParser uses OCR technology and advanced pattern recognition to scan your documents and extract consumer data. Abbyy allows you to convert your paper documents into searchable digital files. Additional connectors to Google Cloud Vision, Ephesoft, or Captiva could also be leveraged to retrieve consumer data from images, emails, and other attachments and automatically pass it back to WireWheel.
4. Delivery
Once the data has been collected, integrations can help automate the delivery.
After data collection, there are still two crucial steps: compiling the information in a digestible format and delivering the information to the consumer. Automated PDF generation allows you to compile all the information you have gathered from multiple sources and inject it into a formatted and branded PDF report. Finally, the delivery to the consumers can also be streamlined. WireWheel’s advanced logic can take the PDF generated and upload it automatically to a secured and encrypted portal. In parallel, an email can be automatically triggered to let your consumers know that their information is ready.
If you would like to explore further how integrations can save your team and your organization hours of work a week, please let us know.