DSAR Metrics: What Should You Be Measuring?


Metrics for Each Stage of the Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) Funnel

When you report to your CEO or Board of Directors, you must show how your privacy program provides value to the organization. Executive teams want to know:

  • What are you doing to address data privacy laws?
  • How do you know your privacy program is successful?

It can be challenging to convey the impact of your work to executives who typically aren’t legal or compliance experts.

Among all privacy strategies you employ, Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) provide the best opportunity to showcase your team’s productivity and contribution to the business.

DSAR metrics are key to understanding consumer behavior and internal privacy management capabilities. By seeing how requests flow through your DSAR funnel and where they get stuck, you can focus your resources on areas of greatest need. By comparing results over time, you can show your executive team changes in your privacy risk profile, productivity improvements, and impact of improving the consumer privacy experience.

Read this eBook today to see how you can create a value-packed roster of reports that track progress and demonstrate DSAR success in measurable ways.