Benchmark your Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) metrics

View California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) -related Privacy Rights Request (DSAR) metrics from dozens of companies and gain unique insights

In this report, view:

  • The types of consumer requests the market is getting
  • How fast your peers fulfilled these requests
  • How your organization compares

For the first time, large companies have published their Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) metrics on their websites.

As of July 1, 2021, companies buying, sharing, or selling the personal data of 10 million or more California consumers were required, by CCPA, to report the number of DSAR reqeusts they received and how many days it took them to manage those requests.

This report could help you and your privacy team benchmark your DSAR activities:

How does your number of DSAR requests compare to other companies? We found that organizations received a median of 132 access requests, 358 deletion requests and 2,500 opt-out requests in 2020.
Are you fulfilling requests at the same rate as your peers? Fulfillment rates in 2020 varied widely from 24% to 100% based on the industry.